MHG Corporate Risks (MHG) has been accredited for many years with Hellios as a requirement for our services to be marketed to major banking and financial organisations. It has proven to be a very worthwhile platform to display and ratify our operational strength and compliance. Working with FSQS has been easy, as a solution it fits our needs and allows us to share our commitment to protecting personnel, organisations and assets.

Michael Handley, Managing Director of MHG said, “I believe it is important that any organisation displays suitable compliance, credibility and an audit trail especially when dealing with matters of a sensitive and confidential nature. To this end Hellios provides just that, and has a rigorous platform that is widely recognised. Although MHG was driven towards this accreditation by our major client base, it is a recognition that we are proud to continually achieve.”

The Process of Registering

The process was easy to follow with clear instructions and a very user-friendly system, making it quick and efficient to complete. After completing the questionnaire, we received our certificate, which can be found here.