As a responsible business we operate a zero-tolerance approach to Modern Slavery, and we are committed to preventing slavery and human trafficking in our operations and that of our supply chain.
Our Organisational structure is governed by our central Executive team utilising the services of bonafide Corporate Structured, Law Enforcement and Ethical organisations when required.
We operate a risk based approach that is designed to enable efforts to be focused where they are most needed and can best help eradicate modern slavery. As part of our efforts to monitor and reduce the risk of slavery and human trafficking occurring within our supply chains, we have adopted policies and procedures, which include:
- the adoption of our Code of Conduct;
- requiring our major suppliers to comply with our standards on ethical practices;
- informing our staff of the steps that we are taking in relation to managing the risks of modern slavery and human trafficking in our business and supply chains; and
- enabling our people to report and raise any concerns, including those that relate to human rights violations such as modern slavery.
engaging in staff training to ensure staff are fully aware of all risks and requirements
Our procedures are designed to:
- establish and assess areas of high risk in our business and supply chains;
- monitor high risk areas in our business and supply chains;
- review the risks of slavery and human trafficking occurring within our business and our supply chains; and
- provide adequate protection for staff or contractors who supply information
We evaluate the nature and extent of our exposure to the risk of modern slavery occurring within our businesses and/or in our supply chain. We have identified that any risk would be more likely be within our procurement of indirect goods, services, and products purchased from businesses.
Once we have identified a potential risk, we understand the importance of investigating, remediating and mitigating such risks through activities such as due diligence, improved procurement practices or industry collaboration.
This statement is published in accordance with section 54 of the Modern Slavery Act 2015 on behalf of MHG Corporate Risks Limited
This statement has been approved by CEO & Operations Director on 10 April 2024.
Michael Handley
April 2024